Monday, November 7, 2011

Music is Being

For my final project, my goal is to further explore the intrinsic prose of Pale Fire through the means of the myth of Orpheus.   The tale of Orpheus embodies the essence of the soul which conveys Orpheus’ passionate mission to reunite with his fallen love Euydice by descending into the Underworld.  Through the medium of music, Orpheus generates a link between beauty and death that has the power to evoke Pluto to experience empathy and compassion towards the misfortunate Orpheus.   The transmigration of the soul to the underworld by Orpheus was not founded upon the sentiment of fear or duty but from the greater elation and spirit of love.   This and the reciprocal motive of pity are the essence of the Orphic Doctrine that is configured in the metempsychosis cycle. 
These notions are all balanced upon the foundation of music which is in turn the underlying heartbeat pulsing throughout Pale Fire.  Only through the means of esthetic beauty-the brilliance of artistic lyricism, can the soul escape the continuous cycle of metamorphosis and return to its true nature.  Through my project I intend to expound upon the motive of music to uncover the universal harmonies of the cicadas in Nabokov’s Pale Fire and the infinite expanses of the imagination.   
She sang beyond the genius of the sea

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